Here's a Blueprint On How To Protect Your Kids  
But first let me tell you what my daughter said and which prompted me to want to encourage you to help your kids and grandkids:

"Mom I don't want to pray anymore." 
Then a few days later... 
"Mom I am not going to church." 
And shortly after..
"I don't want you to pray for me anymore."

First I couldn't believe that she requested those things. 
She was such a sweet young girl and loved God with all her heart before. 
I was hoping it was just a phase. But she got more adamant...
"Mom I don't always want to hear God and Jesus around me anymore."
And a few weeks later...
"Mom don't ever mention God to me again."

I was heartbroken. 
No matter what I said, I could not reach my daughter anymore. 
She no longer listened to me. 
She listened to all her friends and teachers in school who indoctrinated her daily against God. 
I didn't know what to do. 
I was devastated. 
I had this visceral gut reaction wanting to just yank her out of school. 
I knew I wasn't a mom who could do homeschooling and I also knew she did not want to go back to the Christian school. 
I was stuck.
But she was so far gone from the faith that it affected all of us and our family peace.
We couldn't watch her go down that road and never go to church with us again.
So we did it.
We yanked her out of school. 
She still blames us for that.
Or at least that we did it so abruptly.
But she did find her faith again within just a few months and has been close to God ever since.
And now I know there would've been a better way, especially in prepping her for public school.
Sure, we warned her of people not believing in God in public school. 
But we did not know of the systematic indoctrination. 

Well I don't mean to scare you. I know it's easier to think that everything is fine with your kids. But that's what I did and it did not serve me well. In the end I had to make some tough decisions. But it doesn't have to be that way. I want to show you how you can protect your child, and hopefully inoculate your child from anti-biblical teaching. 

And the most devastating indoctrination happens in elementary school. Many teachers read anti-biblical books in the classroom and your child believes every word their teacher says at this age.

I am doing all of this so that you won't have to learn the hard way, like I did.
I just assumed that my child was fine since she went to church with me and we prayed together as a family. Plus every chance I had, I shared spiritual truths with her. And yet, when she switched to public school she lost her faith in about three months. My sweet daughter actually turned into an atheist within three months. I would've never believed you, if you would've told me that before…that it's even possible to lose your faith this fast. And I knew for sure she loved God and had great faith before. 

Anyhow, I hope you now see how badly your kids and grandkids need you....

And Here's The Rest Of The Story...Plus The Exact Blueprint On How To Protect Your Kids

Why not help your kids find like minded friends? This is also important in elementary schools not just middle and high schools, because they tend to keep those friends as they grow older.  Help them make friends who don't question God or look for guidance from the universe. Who go to church with their family and have a heart of Christian love and unity rather than strife and rebellion. Friends who are not swayed by gender ideology but stand firm in biblical truth. 

Our kids are most likely exposed up to 70 hours of anti-biblical teaching in school per year. They depend on you to stand firm in the TRUTH and be surrounded by other believers.

This book shows you how to do just that. It will motivate and empower you to truly help your child survive public school with their faith intact. It also contains documentation on student rights, free speech rights, and how to build a friend group or even a Christian club. 

Moms, this is what you need to watch out for:

  • anti-biblical teaching
  • gender confusion
  • non-christian friends
  • being shut down for their faith
  • and ultimately from doubting God

Your kids believe every word you say 
at this age.

Let's make good use of this precious age.

Keep in mind that they also believe every word the teacher says. And teachers are required to teach anti-biblical theories such as gender ideology which directly questions God.

  • The most effective way to teach your kids the truth is to show them how God sees them.
  • When your kids know their true identity in Christ they will not question their identity.  
  • ​Why not speak a short Bible verse into their heart every day before school? 
  • ​Soon, they will finish those verses on their own. 
  • ​Then you'll know the truth is set deep in their hearts and will guide them through life

Here Are Some Powerful "I Am" Statements 
To Set Your Kids On The Right Course

This is who God says I am:

I am chosen of God, holy, and dearly loved. Col 3:12
I am precious and honored in God's sight. Is 43:4
I am complete in Christ. Col 2:10 
I am created in the image of Almighty God. Gen 1: 27
I am victorious through Christ Jesus. 1 Cor 15:57 
I am the salt of the earth. I am the light of the world. Matt 5:13, 14
I reflect the glory of God. I am transformed into His likeness. 2 Cor 3:18
I am called of God. 2 Tim 1:9
I have power, love, and self discipline. 2 Tim 1:7
I am overtaken with blessings. Deut 28:2
I am united with God. 2 Cor 5:18

Do you want to keep peace in your home and avoid rebellion against your family faith. Then you need to be that Mama bear who protects her kids. 

Do you ever wonder what your kids are allowed to say in school about their faith in God? 

Did you know that Free Speech rights not only apply to adults but also to kids? The First Amendment grants us these Free Speech rights. They include the right to talk about God even in public schools. "Schools are not religion-free zones" is how the Supreme Court puts it. Many people are confused about this because teachers are more restricted to talk about God than students are; In fact, students and parents are not restricted at all to talk about their faith. 

Your kids need to know the rights they have as Christians in public schools. Here are some of them:

Student Rights K-12 FAQs

Can students express their religious beliefs in class or an assignment?
Students are welcome to express their religious beliefs in a class discussion or as part of an assignment when it pertains to the topic. Teachers and administrators cannot discriminate against religious expression as long as it falls within the guidelines of the project.

How about in a classroom Show & Tell or a school-wide Talent Show?
Yes to both. Talent shows as well as Show & Tell Sessions offer students the ability to share about themselves. They can sing and dance to Christian music or recite Christian poems. Their talent falls into the Free Speech category and is therefore protected by the Constitution. For the Show and Tell they can bring in the Bible, Christian books, games, pictures etc.

Can I help my child find Christian friends in public school?
Yes, you can gather Christian kids together for a lunch table or even for a club after school. And yes, even in elementary schools. This will help protect your kids from the influence of friends who don't believe in God. 

...these were just a few of the FAQs from the book

Ten years ago we were able to send our kids to public schools and....

...just worry about the teaching on evolution. But times have changed. These days social-emotional-learning is a priority. In fact teachers spend up to 70 hours a year teaching and endorsing the very social issues you might not like. 

That's why it's so important for you to know what's going on, so you can counteract some of that teaching and keep your kids on the Christian path. 

Remember your kids are still young and believe every word the teacher is saying. Many teachers read books to their class which endorse anti-biblical lifestyles.

Even though all seems fine in elementary school be aware that ongoing teaching against their faith will make them question God without you even noticing it. 

If you want a happy family and your kids going to church with you without fussing you might want to invest some time and energy into this. 

Have you ever wondered why the kids of your friends or relatives no longer attend church or even believe in God? 

Have you noticed how it affects the whole family? Those moms wish they could go back and take the time to teach their kids what's right and wrong.

Why not teach them now while they still listen to you and believe every word you say. They will never hang onto your words like this again. 

Another excellent way to protect your kids is to help them find Christian friends. Explain to your kids the above listed rights about being able to talk about God in class discussions or talent shows. Encourage them to notice which kids chime in and support the faith. Those are the ones they need to befriend. 

Starting a Bible club is yet another way to find and make Christian friends, and it's easier to do than you think.

The book below will show you exactly how you can implement those ideas and protect your kids. 

If you value peace in your house; if it's important for you that your kids keep their faith in will want to get this book..and the best part is that we are able to make this book available to you for only $7 today

You are one Book away from Your Kids staying Strong in their faith despite public school
  • Protect your kids from peer pressure and socialistic teaching.
  • ​Get the information you need to stop being intimidated by teachers and principals.
  • ​Discover the legal rights parents and concerned adults have to start Christian clubs.
  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to establish a friend group or club.​
  • ​Join over ten thousand moms who already got this book and successfully protect their kids in public school.

Bestseller Book as seen on:

"...Invaluable Pragmatic Advise"
"Bring The Light to School" contains invaluable pragmatic advice on Christian student rights. It provides step by step instruction on how to start Christian clubs. Ingrid DeDecker answers the questions about Separation of Church and State as it relates to faith in schools and brings them to a place of clarity and implementation for everyone. 
Linda McLaughlin
 Elementary School Educator 
"...Knows How To Connect Our Kids in Public Schools"
Ingrid DeDecker knows how to connect our kids in public schools. Whether it's in elementary or high school. Her book is an excellent resource when God calls us to do something... It shows how to get into public schools and is full of stories and motivation. An excellent book for any parent, pastor, Christian leader or even student
Jamie Overholt
"...This Book Is A Must Read"
Bring the Light to School is a needed ....guidance as to how best to assist students deepen their faith with other like-minded students while attending school. Ingrid DeDecker's book...addresses everything from Separation of Church and State to first amendment rights. This book is a must-read.
Dr. Patrick Rice, Author, Vanishing School Boards, former teacher, principal and adjunct professor
* for only $7 today
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This book will help you empower your kids to stay strong in their faith in God while attending public school. If ever your kids need you, this is the time.

Don't just worry about your kids being exposed to anti-Christian teaching and even sex ed, in elementary schools. You can do something about it. It doesn't even take much time and only seven dollars. If you don't stand in the gap for your kids who will?

Don't let them be swayed by secular teaching. Help insulate your kids by finding other Christian friends early on before they lose their faith. If you see your kids being exposed to ungodly teaching in school, then pull back the cover and start reading. Your kids are barraged daily, but you can help unite them for mutual support and the right friends.

Ingrid DeDecker
P.S. : In about a dozen years you will be so thankful that you took the time to look into this and be there for your child. No doubt you are busy and not expecting to have to put this extra effort into protecting your child from ungodly teaching at such a young age. But turning a blind eye to this and hoping for the best will most likely result in regrets. When my daughter told me that I could no longer talk to her about God, or even use "Christianese words" as she put it; it broke my heart. She was still so young and I never expected that. That's why I want to help you prevent such heartache in the family. A child who succumbs to doubt about their faith or their identity will cause havoc to the whole family life and influence siblings. As moms, we see our sweet children and imagine that they will turn on us because we don't realize how they are being indoctrinated in school even against parental authority. This book will encourage and motivate you keep your child on the right path.
Ingrid DeDecker is the Director of Partner with Schools, a nonprofit in Ohio; helping parents, grandparents and pastors support Christian kids in public schools. She holds an undergraduate degree in secondary education and an MBA. Her career spans from teaching to working as an international consultant with the state of Ohio. She was listed as an Honored Professional in Who's Who in Executives and Professionals 96-97. Ingrid now is a speaker and coaches parents and Christian leaders.
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